All already must have heard this phrase at some moment of the life. Somebody that ownership of a wallet places in the nose of the other the weight of an authority, supposedly granted for the State and if places above of the laws. It is part of the Brazilian culture and represents a manifestation of being able symbolizing that the State was appropriate for a minority, that for exerting some important function in this institution, considers itself protected for it. It was only after the liberal revolutions, mainly, the French Revolution, is that the state leaves of being the representation of the nobility and its asseclas changedding itself into an institution of all and for all, at least in the philosophical direction. The Swiss philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau in century XIX conceives the State as an artificial institution the service of the law of the order and the sovereign (or the government) is as any citizen, a subject of the law and not above of it. For Rousseau, the individuals are citizens of the State and subjects of the Law there, including the proper ones sovereigns. Unhappyly in Brazil, the State continues representing in imaginary of a good part of our elite (since we do not have more the nobility), institution its service, although that our constitution leaves well clearly that all we are equal before the law. As Sergio Buarque de Hollanda in Roots of Brazil said: liberalism in our country was a great mistake, that is, the elites if had in accordance with appropriated of it its patrimonialistas interests and not as an institution directed toward the society as a whole. This preamble is for entering in the nonsense that occurred in the city of Is Jose of the Fields in the developed state more of the federacy, where a policy commission agent, considering itself above of the law, of any right, did not accept the warning of a cadeirante citizen of whom it had parked the vehicle in private place to the deficient physicists.