Analysis of the information system of the bank and its service it services for more efficient use of outsourcing, commissioned a consulting company profile – this will also be outsourced. how to choose A company-outsourcer After forming process list of candidate should pay attention to these factors: the term of the company at the relevant service market; the number of dedicated specialists, their professional skills, certificates, diplomas; the reaction rate at Service incident – time, claimed the company to deliver a specialist on the application point of service; Continuity of service – the minimum amount specified by the mandatory visits to a specialist, the cost of additional visits, the presence of a service company opportunities to mobilize additional staff in the case of complex issues; organizational harmony itself a service company – that it has a single point for applications (Help Desk / Service Desk), possible control of the application, feedback from the service company when problems arise; the requested service company cost of their services. When concluding a contract for services with company-outsourcer selected based on the results of such a competitive selection process, it is necessary to control the inclusion in the text of the agreement referred to a number of key provisions. It points that determine the interaction of the company and service company, and items to ensure quality and continuity of service. Control gains service Thus, the service processes that are passed on outsourcing, defined. Selected company-outsourcer, providing services.