Users can represent the entire transport process in the modal split, calculate the CO2 emissions of truck, rail, ship and air transport transparent and valid, and pass the results as CO2 emissions report to clients, customers, or other interested parties. The NADIA supported customers in the entire process of capturing CO2, evaluation to the implementation of mitigation, as well as the connectivity to existing systems with services. For more information interested parties at, by telephone under + 49 8192 99733 20 or via e-mail at sources / links: DIN EN 16258, about NADIA the NADIA Institute for energy, ecology and economics was established in 1999 as a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich and provides answers to questions about environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, international standards and climate protection. The NADIA company offers software, consulting and auditing services to realize a green vision and to integrate into the business processes. Core business is dealing with the question whether, and especially as a meaningful combination of ecology and economy can be achieved. These range from advice in the development and management of customized analysis on calculation of the CO2 footprint through independent validation of internal or external create analyses, methods and results. As an independent Institute, the work of NADIA is based on rigorous scientific methods and institutional and international standards. When calculating the greenhouse gas emissions in transport logistics, the NADIA puts on pragmatic but scientifically based software solutions or on the integration of quickly implementable tools into existing environmental management systems. Customers include: the Bayersiche State, Avnet Inc.