Definitively Canaima is a national Park that there is to go to visit it, to enjoy its cascades, lagoon and as it comments of his very particular natural terrain features: infinite variety of natural resources and superb landscaping values, elements keys turn that it into one of more beautiful the natural wonders of the world. Its landscape makes the rounds in three fundamental axes: imposing forests, rivers and tepuyes. These last ones as already one has commented in other opportunities, they are tabular forms of high tables and plateaus, which are known with this name, because the word " Tepuy" it means " cerro" in the indigenous language. In the top of these tepuyes is a unique flora in the world and of great importance for the scientific researches, by little that of them are known. When it touched me to leave it, I confess that I felt a little nostalgia, because they were wonderful days that enjoy intensely, far from the noisy cities full of problems, insecurity and of stress. Luckyly later with the lived experience I returned him but with the family on the other week and of course I was useful to visit places that in the first opportunity I did not do it like going to sleep to Salto of the Angel and to enjoy its landscape, like bathing me in the Caron river. It is very certain what comemta, that great part of the National Park Canaima is influenced by the equatorial climate, with high precipitations distributed throughout the year. The temperatures average of the park are included between 21C and 10C, varying in relation to the different altitudinales levels (500 and 2,800 meters on the level of the sea), the different zones from life and times of the year. If it has the opportunity to know it, hgalo, it is a wonderful experience, never will be able to forget to it. Original author and source of the article.