The first part of services which are the object or underlying purpose of a transaction. Assuming that a person requires, for transport, a taxi, and calls for a particular line. This company needs a car (a well tangible) to give the transport service. But you’re not buying the car, but its use. To the second class belong services that support or facilitate the sale of goods or other services.

Thus, when you buy a compact disc player, perhaps desired technical information (a service) a seller or the opportunity to pay with a card of credit (another service). These are called complementary services. Based on such distinctions, the definition of services would be: services are intangible and identifiable activities which constitute the primary object of a transaction whose purpose is meet the needs or desires of the client. The American Marketing Association defines services as activities, benefits, advantages or satisfactions that are put on sale, or which may be obtained in connection with the sale of goods or products. Services, therefore, are related to the same intangible services both the sale of tangible goods. Importance, impact services industry has been changing, and in doing so he has concentrated on productivity and measuring how the customer’s needs are being met. The changing environment of services has unmasked the inefficiency and poor management in many service industries, demonstrating the evident need for a restructuring.

This inefficiency and the consequent need for increased productivity, is perhaps the most serious problem facing the industry today. Not long ago, attempts to improve its productivity were focused on a production-oriented approach. For example, Burger King and Mc Donalds adopted the techniques of Assembly lines, thus increasing the productivity per employee. The technology that had greater acceptance was some kind of computerized information system, which improved the efficiency of operations. And for years gave magnificent results this production-oriented model that and whose purpose was to enhance the services. However, his basic premise is that machines and technology are key to increasing productivity and efficient operations; persons providing the services are minor.