We all know that in a world ruled by information, advertising is becoming one of the main methods of exposure. And here is already under question is only, what kind of ads would be better to act on their target. That is important already becoming a sense, the internal contents of the advertisement, however, and its shape is also not losing ground. Advertise few who read – it cast one look, and if during those few split seconds in the brain that something "clicked", there is a chance that man again turned his attention to the same advertising. Therefore, creating another "masterpiece of advertising, you need to invest maximum efforts, the ability to win at first sight. And if at least not to conquer, then call the curiosity and interest. But in addition to the ideas remain, of course, also the material that may also play a role. It is no wonder that technology is not standing still, offering new and new options for using different materials, able to awaken the imagination.

Compete for brightness, originality and uniqueness, various companies are experimenting with various ways of combinations of materials, technologies that result exceeded all expectations and achieved its goal – namely, remember the one who at least once will see ads. Among all types of outdoor advertising is still one of the most effective methods. The advantages of outdoor advertising is a that it is capable of covering a large audience, in addition, it offers great opportunities for imagination: there are billboards and light boxes and neon signs, large letters, and more. In the creation and placement of outdoor Advertising is important to take into account many factors, including, for example, where advertising will be located. It is believed that the higher is advertising, so it is better, but here, the measure should be observed, as if ads will be too high, it may go unnoticed.

Depending on what the target audience should be involved, using different techniques of images and text, but the general rule reads as follows: more visual images, less text. Colors should be bright but not annoying sight, type – easy to read from a distance of 40-50 meters. Among the billboards are the most popular so-called prizmabordy, which consist of special arrangements by which one shield can be placed a few stories. It is believed that such advertising attracts more attention. The advantages of light boxes (or citylights) is that by illuminating them can be clearly seen in the dark. The same applies to neon signs. In addition, neon generally gives plenty of opportunities to create unique objects, as it allows to use lamps of different colors and virtually any size. In addition, energy costs will not be too large. Brand Mauer – a huge canvases that are stretched to the facades of buildings. They affect mainly their sizes – they can not be ignored. Troll – banners over the road – are effective for the impact on drivers and pedestrians. But it's not all types of outdoor advertising that exist today, but remains an important one: the outer advertising is one of the most effective instruments of influence, so it creators and put so much effort and creativity. And no wonder: after all, advertising on our streets today is very, very much – literally each step we find posters, billboards, light boxes, but not all of them we pay attention and only a few remain in our memory. Therefore, creating advertising, need to be concerned about how to harness the full potential and then the result will not take long.