Manual car giant OAO KAMAZ, located in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, made a decision to issue from the beginning of 2010, their trucks, complete with restyled cabs. Orienting their products on world markets cars, the company KAMAZ has revamped the operation of all plant services. Designers, the engineers, technologists had to work very hard, because the changes have affected almost all parts KAMAZ products. Were organized to supply high quality spare parts: engine Cummins, gearboxes ZF, fuel system Common Rail, as well as components and assemblies of joint ventures and his Kamaz foreign partners. Restyling KAMAZ – it is a complex of works aimed at changing the style and to improve the visual elements of the goods. For the first time in June 2009 in Moscow exhibition “Construction Equipment and Technology “has been demonstrated with KAMAZ restyled cab that got a lot of good reviews. And with the end of 2009 began production of test batches of such vehicles. Tireless work of designers beyond recognition changed the exterior and interior of the cabin Kamaz.

The use of advanced cockpit upholstery, new manufacturing technology panels with instruments, new seats, air suspension made on the four-firm Kramer, reduces vibration and also use pnevmoballonov with new construction and to regulate the level of height cab, greatly enhancing comfort when driving cars KAMAZ, reduce the likelihood of occupational diseases drivers. In the hardware design of the cabin KamAZ used a lot of electronics. In the dashboard built modernized digital devices, a graphic display, which displays the work of all systems of KAMAZ. Application in the manufacture of truck spare parts of leading world producers, as well as a modified appearance cabins have significantly increased KamAZ popularity in Russia and abroad. According to experts, Kamaz vehicles having equipment that level, may soon get the adaptability to the global automotive markets.