Advanced Tech Service

The world and Technology

What I will write a summary of this article exposing the most important of it without distorting what the author (Luis Felipe Argamunt) we wanted to reflect. I hope you enjoy it and if you like please comment and especially thank Luis Argamunt, one of the many excellent teachers that have our faculty. Luis begins by telling the state because we are experiencing is called CRASH, and not like most who call CRISIS. And puts it as follows: The crisis is basically a time of change a reality organized a structure which, although has a certain predictability, in turn maintains a degree of uncertainty. In simple terms we would say that a crisis is the abandonment of the old without us knowing very well how long and how it’s: good or bad. Crises are not necessarily bad, and often are positive signs of change ahead. CRASH But the term refers to an event even more traumatic, most unexpected and significant and irreversible in its effects. The term “crash” call a bankruptcy, a break. A crash is bad, there just is rescued from the lessons of what not to do. We understand what is happening at this time was predictable. But it does not and is more like a car accident (a crash). Let’s see: we were driving so risky (the financial world and we mean business), an ever more insane, skating on skates, for the worse on shaky ground, rain and more and more speed. In that context it was unlikely that something bad happened, but it was “politically incorrect” to speak, with stock market indicators by clouds foolanyone want to go through predicting a negative future. Better to close your eyes and pretend to be brave, total …were all above the car, it was not possible that we all went wrong at the same time. And the accident came as reaching all suddenly not wait even though we knew it could happen. The accident happened just around the corner, at the first corner we thought we could get close to the speed we were coming and maintaining control (the bankruptcy of Lehmann Brothers), although it was raining and we were determined that the road was slippery ( because we were from some major upheavals in the Asian crises of 1997, the companies, 2001, the fall in prices of 2003 that prompted the reduction of interest rates and the existence of increasing flows of funds and poor indicators since late 2007). It happened unexpectedly although we knew that would happen. After the initial impact, the accident continued with spins (Europe, Latin America, Asia), and created a mess of everything that was inside and came loose. Meanwhile, beat passers ignorant of the risks of this infernal machine launched at speed (small investors, SMEs in many countries, developed and undeveloped, and others), and revealed that traffic police were making ( we mean the regulators, the Henry Paulson – Former U.S. Treasury Secretary in the Bush administration – and others), who seeing the risks of that breaking boundaries and going beyond vehicle licensing, those officers, continued to monitor the toll booths for no one entered the highway without paying.

old fashioned phoneWhen I was a kid I loved hearing my grandparents tell me how different the world was now then from when they were kids my age. I always tried to imagine a world without telephones, television, movies, cars, air travel, and who knows what else. In the past 40 years and even less, the world has changed again in even more incredible ways. Because of computers and mobile phones and other related devices the way we communicate, acquire information and entertain ourselves bears almost no resemblance to how those things were accomplished just a few decades ago. Back in the mid to late 1980s I actually read a book which supposedly explained why “You Do Not Need a Computer.” The book argued that there was very little a computer could do for you that you couldn’t do for yourself with just a nice pen and a pad of paper. Well we have certainly come light years from that moment in time.

Hopefully this blog will be the opposite of that book. We will instead be trying to look deeply into the foggy future to struggle for a glimpse of where we are heading and what we can expect from today’s rapidly changing hi-tech world.