What is the rewriting, and rewriting rerayter? This concept has appeared with the first search engine optimization tools and information. As soon as people learned how to make money on the Internet, the battle for top place in the various rankings, directories, tops and results pages of search queries. What would appeal to different search engines such as Yandex, Google, Rambler and others on your site should be a lot of content and the more unique it is is, the better. The question arises 'where to get a lot of content?'. Of course, we can take ready-made articles from other sites and put on his own, but such content will not be unique, which means that search engines will not be his index. If you do not write a lot of texts, there is another solution.

You can take an interesting article, well-read them and write text on the basis of reading only his own words by adding their thoughts and reflections on the topic. That's called rewriting. How would your paraphrase someone else's article. And if such content is not prohibited by law and is unique in its way, means, and fill them with their sites and blogs that have not yet come out on top positions in the most tops, ratings and search results. From this point you start earning money. If you earn a lot and do not want to write lyrics yourself you can hire for this job reraytera, human writing rewriting. Most often, this remote workers, which can be found on the Internet at sites freelancers or exchanges of finished content.