Promotion of a site on the Internet – is the art of using the algorithms of search engines for profit. Well-advertised resource has now become an integral piece of image of a successful company. Companies that begin to analyze the effectiveness of the site as a tool for business, sometimes can not understand why a quality site, made at a professional level, 'not working' is not profitable. This question is to hear quite often, so I would like to briefly outline the problem and its solution. Optimizing your website for search engines – one of the most low-cost and effective ways to promote resource on the web, but most Companies are not engaged in it practically, losing at the same time targeted visitors, who could be potential clients or buyers. At the moment, all owners of Internet resources, particularly commercial nature, be taken as a site optimization is a necessary step on the path to success.

Gone are the days when companies and firms is considered good form to have an office on the Internet. Now very few have a website, you must have effective website. Business took power of the Internet as a tool for obtaining additional revenue, which does not require large investments. So why do you have to miss this opportunity and wait for a resource competitor will the first position? So why search engine optimization is required: More than 80% of visitors came from search engines. 9 out of 10 who came to the site through a search engine – target visitors.