Moreover, the more complex object, the more obvious benefits of SL. Further, from simple to complex … be designed, for example, a new model of chair – simple, in light of each screw and parts upholstery. Design the placement of chairs in the room – again, elementary. And all the furniture in the room … and all the rooms in the building … and all communications in the building. The result may be obtained in a complete graphic design project with high detail, right down to the fact that you can see how and where it will be routed electrical wiring in the walls.

Design solutions. Here there is a big problem. The problem is that the designer does not have enough imagination to use all the features Second Life. Simply put, the technology capable of SL to realize any design decision. All that can be subsequently created in Reale, you can design in SL. Dandies and ladies successfully develop and try on new models of clothes now.

Landscape designers without much difficulty, and most clearly can offer the customer a few areas of design options and sites. The list of possible applications of the design of the SL is huge and I think that there is no need to enumerate all the possible directions in this article. It is worth noting that the flexibility Platform Second Life makes it easy to make changes in the adopted or proposed designs, as well as allow for a visual presentation or viewing in all kinds and with all the subtleties. Three-dimensional presentation. Create a large object in the real world is problematic, especially if the object is a unique and unique. It takes considerable time and requires large financial expenditures. Unfortunately, not always the result meets all the idea and selected solutions, this will always be an impediment conditions, and sometimes some confusion at the customer and the performer. Minimize the factor that finished in the real object does not meet expectations, is capable platform Second Life. At a very early stage of implementation of a real project, you can reproduce three-dimensional model in virtual world Second Life. This is especially true of buildings and structures. Here, even before it will be spent huge sums on construction, the customer himself can look inside your future building. Elementary to just create three-dimensional model and virtually walk through it, examine all "corners" and to make comments or suggestions to the Executive. Changes to the project at an early stage will significantly reduce the cost of further renovation of real object. TOROK'S Group is ready to provide services in three-dimensional design of objects and arrange three-dimensional presentation.