'Free' registration or renewal of second-level domain can provide some of the servers – in fact, this cost is already included in their not the cheapest hosting and there is no mention of the Free. Free hosting Progress does not stand still, every year the technology cheaper and hosting in the Internet becomes more accessible. Offers free hosting are growing like mushrooms after radioactive rain. Benefit, no doubt, here is one – no need to pay for hosting service, which costs may be up for the year to $ 100 or even higher (depending on the size of the site). But let gaps and small – but so much more.

Chief among them – it's placement on the pages of your site's obligatory advertising, limiting the scope of the site and download size. Your site will be of a low-cost platform for advertising and promotion of others. As at least, your visitors compulsory advertising can be distracting or annoying, but as the maximum – they will go on advertising links to other resources. But you might want to place more of your advertising banners and … Usually, these free disease can be partially or completely cure the sum of $ 60-100 per year – that is, pay for 'free' hosting. Servers providing this service in order to save in no hurry to increase their power and often overloaded. Server load, at best, to slow from opening pages of irritation and visitors, and at worst – not available for site users and search engines.