Today's most popular service on the Internet is a service WWW – World Wide Web (World Wide Web). Although WWW correctly pronounced "Double S Double S Double S" or "Three Double U" universally called the service "BBB". WWW is based on the concept of hypertext, that is, a set of individual texts, which have references to each other. These texts are also called documents, articles or pages. Words and pictures are in one document, refer to other documents. Since links may point to any document in the Internet anywhere in the world, and multiple links intertwined with each other, this system is called the World Wide Web. To work with the World Wide Web protocol used HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). Hypertext documents are created using special language HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language (HyperText Markup Language).

World Wide Web document, drawn up in HTML and available for viewing by the user, called Web-Page, a web page. WWW technology was developed European Laboratory for Particle Physics (European Particle Physics Laboratory). The principle of operation with the World Wide Web is like to work with an encyclopedia – you can read articles, find links that interest you and read the other articles. In addition to actually text, web pages can be images, sounds, animations and even entire videos. This service is booming, and all kinds of information previously available through other means of Internet, is now available from World Wide Web. Many Internet users are working exclusively with the WWW, and this is enough for them. The Internet is the world's largest repository of files. Service FTP – File Transfer Protocol (File Transfer Protocol) allows you to receive and transfer files.

This service is one of the main ways to distribute free software, and various additions and corrections to the commercial version. New drivers and firmware for computer hardware and distributed through the service. It should be noted that the files can be transferred with the help of HTTP. Often you can not know with any protocol will receive the file, as required protocol is automatically selected program you use. The FTP protocol to transfer files more efficiently than HTTP. However, at sufficiently high-quality Internet connectivity and the transfer is not very large files, the difference is almost no. In addition to receiving information, the Internet is often seen as a place of communication between people. You can use this news group, sometimes called newsgroups or bulletin boards. This service works in much the same as the e-mail, but received letters available for public viewing. For convenience of discussion formed different groups, whose members send and receive messages on a particular topics. Newsgroups allow you to exchange views with like-minded people who live anywhere in the world. You can often find answers to your questions, connecting to the relevant newsgroup and asking for advice other participants. Recently, more and more popular to chat (from Chat – chat). This system is somewhat similar to a newsgroup, but the messaging there is no waiting. When connected to a group that discusses a particular problem, you type your message on the keyboard, and it instantly becomes available to other participants in the conversation. In the same way and you will see messages from other interviewees as soon as they type them on the keyboard your computer. In Internet communication can be organized not only through text messages. If there are enough high-speed communication line, you can send voice and image, organizing a video conference. Popular other methods of direct communication.